Wednesday, 30 October 2013


Today the Primary School has celebrated Halloween.
Here is our class this morning.

We went trick or treating in Secondary classes and got the shock of our lives when we entered the Year 9 English class. They had spent the last few days preparing a haunted room.
When we entered the room was completely black. All the students were wearing masks similar to azonto and as we walked closer to them they spun around to scare us. One Student had a robotic tarantula!!
Here is Iman and Christina after seeing it!

And here is the TARANTULA!!!!!

Heres the girls dancing as they wait for their turn to parade around the school.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


We have now finished reading another class novel ‘The Witches’ by Roald Dahl.

I asked the class “how can we now apply all this information we have read into our literacy hours in class?”
The response was intense!
Together Year 5 developed a cross-curricula theme of work based on this book.
Here are just a few of the class’s ideas..

  • Make our own ‘Formula 86 Delayed Action Mouse-Maker’.
  • Chemical reactions
  • Portraits of ‘The Grand High Witch’.
  • Create a song/rap
  • Develop a witch dance
  • Research recipes for chemical reactions (especially stink bombs!!!)
  • Instructional language (How to make a spell or a recipe to wipe out all the children of England!
  • Write poems
  • Write profiles of the characters, explaining their characteristics.
  • Story planning. 

    Here are a few of our portraits of ‘The Grand High Witch’. 

Tuesday, 22 October 2013


In topic this term we are learning about different cultures, and where those cultures are geographically.   

Using a KWL chart, Year 5 has listed what they Know about their country of choice.
What they Want to know. And what they have Learnt.

"New Zealand was the first country to let a woman vote" said Iman

Christina is learning about Mexico.

Hitanshu is learning about India.

Kenny is learning about South Africa and Miguel is learning about Ghana.

Terrence is learning about Australia.


We have been learning about place value in Numeracy this term.

Thank you to Mr. Mc Creedy for his picture of our Year 5 burglar. 

And we are ALWAYS reciting our timestables this term!



In Science we have been Looking at the structure of the heart & its position in the body. 
Listen to a heart beating & discover how it pumps blood to the lungs & the rest of the body in a double circulation. 

We have also been thinking of ways to keep a healthy heart. 
We have been bringing in healthy lunches too school.  

Edina showing off her fish and salad!

Nicholas’s left over dinner.

“Cheers to fruit” said Saffron and Ian.
Miss Day's Yummy beef stir fry... Secretly wishing its was fufu and chicken!! 

Our assembly. Introducing Jim the head louse!

Our first classroom novel was such a hit we decided to turn it into a play.
The novel is called 'Niteracy Hour', by John Dougherty.

During our literacy hour each day, we took turns writing each scene.

Here is Jim the Louse!
(Amiri Kombo)

 The play is about a head louse called 'Jim'. Head hatches on the head of a boy called Gregory in the middle of a literacy lesson at school. Hence the title of the book 'Niteracy hour'. He then becomes friends with Gregory's friends, and together they give the biggest bully in the school some of his own medicine. 

It took us two weeks and a lot of rehearsing, but it was well worth it!
We preformed our play to some Secondary classes, then finally to the Early Year classes and all of the Primary School.

At this moment all the children in the playground (with the help of Jim the head louse) decided it was payback time for the big bully Duncan...

Pretending to be zombies and scarying him out of the school!!